December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas

As a moderate, non-evangelical atheist, I feel like it's my duty to speak out against the crazed radicals who insisted that their stupid little atheist sign be posted alongside a Christmas tree in Olympia Washington.

I've got three problems with the sign.

First, it's not promoting the Atheist holiday that coincidentally falls on December 25th - because there isn't one - so it really doesn't belong in a holiday display.

Second, of the three sentences on the sign, only one of them is a declaration in support of atheist beliefs. The other two are gratuitous, derisive digs at religion.

Third, being an Atheist doesn't mean you HAVE to be an asshole. Christmas is someone else's day. Let them have it. Share the calendar with others. If you want an Atheist winter holiday that involves gift-giving to loved ones, then make it up, give it a catchy name, and create a bunch of television specials featuring colorful characters and badly-executed stop-motion animation so that everyone can enjoy it.

Meanwhile, I'm going to keep celebrating Christmas out of pure childhood nostalgia and let other people celebrate it for whatever reason they want.

Here's some presents:

For the guys:
christmas girl.jpg

For the girls:
hunky santa.jpg

Posted by: Harvey at 09:35 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
Post contains 203 words, total size 2 kb.

December 20, 2008


Chris Muir of Day by Day is all about making sure that a little girl dying of cancer gets thousands of Christmas Cards this year.

Now, I know darn well that Chris isn't the type to fall for an old Urban Legend, but I Snopesed it, anyway.

And yes, Hannah Garman really does want Christmas Cards.

I found that my first thought was "I should send Hannah a card!". Which is VERY strange, because I haven't mailed a Christmas card since my wedding day. Anyway, I was looking around the room for an envelope, when a second thought occurred to me:

It's lovely that I'd like to do something nice for a complete stranger hundreds of miles away, but there are also people who are NOT complete strangers - who live in my house, for example - who also really enjoy it when I do nice things for them.

Maybe I should start a little closer to home.

Now, I'm not saying that you shouldn't send a card to 704 Orchard Rd., Lititz, PA 17543. By all means, mail away.

I'm just saying you might want to hug everyone under your roof before you do.

Posted by: Harvey at 09:23 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 197 words, total size 1 kb.

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