July 14, 2007


Short version: I had a great time.

Slightly longer version - for me, it wasn't about the events so much as it was about spending time having interesting conversations with intelligent people, which is something I don't get enough of, living in my geographic bit of nowhere. Sadly, these sorts of free-fire wit-fests don't translate well into the printed word, because there's no way to accurately translate that atmosphere into text.

Still, I'd like to give friendly nods to the attendees and, where possible, point you to their summaries of events, which you can choose to believe or not at your own discretion.

Not that bloggers would ever embellish a tale.

Og of Neanderpundit - Whether dropping trou at the gun range, showing off his uniboob, or T1G's hot yet diminutive nuts, you'll never find a classier class act.

Shoe, lately of Chou Chope - Shame she's blog-retired. I felt like I found a kindred spirit who really understands the joy and - ironically - sanity that blogging provides.

Teresa of Technicalities - Sadly, barely got to talk to her at dinner, but I was impressed that she remembered to give me a message from Shakey Pete. She's such a thoughtful girl. No wonder she's daddy's favorite.

Oddybobo of Bobo Blogger - Thanks to her keen eyesight (and knowing me all too well), I got a cool new T-shirt... which I wore for about 5 minutes before spraying it with Guinness. Strange, but true.

Zonker of Thunder And Roses - While I actually got a good amount of talk time with him, what really sticks out in my mind was how much fun it was just watching him verbally sparring with Redneck ("wanna rassle?"). The guy's a hoot.

Leslie of Leslie's Omnibus - What a sweetie! One of the best huggers in the crew. Plus she toted my sorry ass back & forth to Kaus's.

Redneck of RedNeck Ramblings - That boy just cracks me up. Just kept tossing out verbal red meat for the lions to pounce on all night long. Not sure where he found that NASCARney character.

Graumagus of Frizzen Sparks - Who else do you know that can kill a charging vacuum cleaner from 75 yards with a .44 revolver? 'Nuff said.

Contagion of Miasmatic Review - Still shy. Didn't hear a peep out of him all weekend.

Ktreva of The Reality Ranch - Slightly less shy. Especially when drinking coffee-flavored beer. Makes her screamy.

Tammi of Tammi's World - Completely lost count of how many good things she made happen at this event. Once again, she was the rock upon which a quality blogmeet rested.

Beloved Wife TNT of Smiling Dynamite - My fashion consultant and emotional lifeline when things got overwhelming. As always, I don't know what I'd do without her.

BloodSpite of Technography - I didn't recognize him at first (which broke his heart). He says it's because I'm a thoughtless jerk, but I *still* suspect he must've gotten a face transplant some time in the last year. On a personal note, I covet his .40... well, the one WITHOUT the 200-pound trigger pull, at any rate.

_Jon of We Swear - For just five minutes, I would LOVE to borrow this man's brain. I have never met anyone with his lightning-like talent for cracking off great one-liners. I swear the guy's a freakin' cyborg or something. He's fun to hang out with. Or he's fun out with which to hang, if you want to be picky about it.

Biloxi of The Republic of Biloxi - I didn't know he was coming, so I met him for the first time at dinner. Sadly, I wasn't at my social best, because I was obsessing about my walk-on role in T1G's roast. I did notice that he managed to get off a few good lines during dinner, so I'm looking forward to getting to know him through his blog in the coming weeks.

That 1 Guy of Drunken Wisdom - Nice guy... for a hippie.

And it's killin' me that he's movin' away.

The Buffalo Range Shooting Park ROCKED!

Sadly, there's no photos of the Plinking Pit - a huge, deep, dirt pit filled with cast-away objects (like volley balls, barrels, cans, boxes, toys, vacuum cleaners, and puddles of water) where you shoot as much as you want, as fast as you want. Full-auto weapons welcome. $25 to play all day, but it's Bring Your Own Ammo).

Here's a shot of the tables at the Pit though. Yes, that really is an inch-think carpet of expended casings on the ground. Adds to the atmosphere.


In observance of your birthday, we will give you a free day of shooting on your birthday or the day before or the day after. ID will be checked for verification.

Re: Klas's
1) I don't like liver, but the liver dumpling soup was excellent.

2) The staff is friendly and amazingly tolerant of blogger antics.

3) I never thought I'd hear the Czech version of "I Will Survive":

but there it was, playing quietly on the restaurant's speakers. Don't know if anyone noticed it besides me & TNT.

Posted by: Harvey at 01:12 PM | Comments (11) | Add Comment
Post contains 872 words, total size 7 kb.

July 06, 2007



Ok, slightly longer version:

Richmond of One for the Road - phenomenal job of keeping everyone fed & beveraged. Hostess-wise, she makes Martha Stewart look like Roseanne Barr.

WxMan - aka Mr. Richmond, who was kind enough to let me light some fireworks AND kind enough to send me this link (caution: contains naked boobs).

Blogson Contagion of Miasmatic Review - still shy. Wouldn't say a word. Just sat there trying to hide under his new Packers beret (a gift from my Beloved Wife TNT of Smiling Dynamite). Well, he did mumble something about how he wished people would start leaving comments on his beer review posts so that he wouldn't feel like he was doing all that drunk blogging for nothing.

Bloggranddaughter Ktreva of The Reality Ranch - besides flaunting her stunning red hair, did a lot of dramatic eye-rolling whenever Contagion said anything dumb. She had very tired eyes at the end of the night.

Blogdaughter Tammi of Tammi's World - besides flaunting her stunning mocha hair, forgot to wear her chocolate-proof dress.

Roses of Ack! Thbbbt! - I love this woman. She knows who the Purple Pandas are.

(currently) blogless Nancy - too smart & charming to be blogless. Someone send her a link.

Akshun J of Underground Media: Reloaded - taught me the meaning of Netflix cheating. Wonder if you can do that with Blockbuster? Also, I owe him a COHERENT explanation of the concept of "The Bad Example Family". That'll be up in a few days, after I dig up all the relevant links.

Mrs. J - despite the fact that I used her name in a horrible pun shortly after meeting her, was still very nice to me, and upgraded my knowledge of Central American geography. Oh, and she needs a blog.

and the rest - who I won't list by name, since Richmond doesn't, and I don't want to blow anyone's cover. But they know who they are and I enjoyed meeting them.

Fun people. Food. Alcohol. Things that blow up.

Score 10/10.

Posted by: Harvey at 12:57 PM | Comments (4) | Add Comment
Post contains 345 words, total size 3 kb.

January 01, 2007


...as indicated by bloggranddaughter Ktreva of The Reality Ranch's handy chart:

One Star Hangover (*)

No pain. No real feeling of illness. You're able to function relatively well. However, you are still parched. You can drink 5 cokes and still feel this way. For some reason, you are craving a steak & fries.

I rang in the new year in the house of Contagion of Miasmatic Review and his aforementioned beloved wife Ktreva.

There are tales to tell... oh my, yes...

Like how - while reminiscing about sex on a Ferris wheel - Contagion & Ktreva got a little out of control, and before you knew it, there was a wet spot on the couch.

But I suppose that - out of courtesy for their fine food-and-drink-laden hospitality - I should just avoid mentioning the rest of their activities.

Still, I must say this:

If Contagion EVER tells you "don't watch this video", then - in the name of all that you hold dear and holy - take his word for it.

On the other hand, don't believe a word about how bad the MacPhail 27 (a locally-distilled adult beverage) is. Sure, it's got a brutal kick and a subtle undertaste of things long dead, but I still prefer it to straight shots of either cheap vodka or expensive gin.

Other vague, blurry memories that I sorta remember include:

Wes of Bodhran (Drum) Roll, Please! vowing to learn how to play Weird Al's "White & Nerdy" on his bodhran. I think it was conditioned on finding the lyrics. Which are here.

Little Joe of Little Joe's Soap Box - who I haven't seen in WAY too many months - was there. I nagged him to update his blog. He just ignored me and grabbed my wife.

Oh, and he's got a new hat. I think it was something like this, but the lighting was bad in the house, so I could be mistaken.

Graumagus of "deep in a coma, but could come out of it any day now, so it doesn't technically qualify as being dead" aka Frizzen Sparks was forced to watch the Packers treat his precious Bears like a puppy getting frisky on his first Nerf ball. To ease his sorrow, he made a drinking game out of it, and had to drink every time the Bears screwed up. On the bright side, Grau didn't have to watch the WHOLE game, since he was too busy trotting into the other room to refill his glass.

Shadoglare of Refractional Darkness... well, all I can say is that he needs to practice his recorder so that he can accompany Wes on "White & Nerdy" next year.

Anyway, the great thing about bloggers getting together is that you inevitably learn about new & cool stuff on the internet. Here's what I learned:

Dr. McNinja

Funny British cross-dresser Eddie Izzard [adult language].

Ask a ninja.

The Federal Vampire & Zombie Agency.

And something about Barry Williams

So... how was YOUR New Year's Eve?

Posted by: Harvey at 09:49 AM | Comments (14) | Add Comment
Post contains 510 words, total size 4 kb.

December 26, 2006


...Which is just another reason not to go drinking at Hooters with Contagion of Miasmatic Review, That 1 Guy of Drunken Wisdom, and Richmond of One For The Road.

On the other hand, all the reasons TO do it kind of outweigh that, so all in all I recommend the experience.

And for those who aren't good at deciphering Contagion's neologisms:

Alcoholic + whore + Scrooge + Grinch = Alcowhoric Scrinch.

By the way, did anyone else know that Og of Neaderpundit has mouse-hover descriptions on his blogroll links?

Mine is 100% accurate... I'm a pretty darn sensitive guy.

Posted by: Harvey at 05:43 PM | Comments (8) | Add Comment
Post contains 123 words, total size 1 kb.

November 27, 2006


While blogdaughter Tammi of Tammi's World was forcing me to eat turkey & pie against my will on Sunday, blogson That 1 Guy of Drunken Wisdom called.

Apparently he was meeting up with bloggranddaughter Sticks of From Chaos to Serendipity.

At a Cracker Barrel off some interstate in Florida somewhere. The man just oozes class, I tell ya.

I got to chat briefly with Sticks, and she declared with some certainty that T1G does NOT have an accent.

Which ought to settle THAT argument once and for all.

Posted by: Harvey at 07:02 PM | Comments (5) | Add Comment
Post contains 96 words, total size 1 kb.

November 06, 2006


I've been out of touch with the blog world for so long, it was beginning to feel as though I'd never be able to reconnect.

Fortunately, I had the opportunity on Saturday to do just that, as I was invited to a little get-together hostessed at the home of Richmond of One For the Road.

Once again, I was struck by that odd duality that comes with meeting bloggers in real life. I've met Richmond exactly twice in my life, yet the feeling was one of being in the company of a life-long friend. So easy and comfortable.

I was, of course, accompanied by Beloved Wife TNT of Smiling Dynamite, who was in a particularly impish mood that day, picking on me mercilessly to the general amusement of all. I'll be generous and blame it on the wine, rather than the obvious fact that I'm fun to pick on.

Oddybobo of Boboblogger honored me by playing a personalized ringtone which featured my name - naturally, it was of a crude & tasteless sort. How well that woman knows me. Now if only I knew where to find that thing online. Help me out here, girl... what song was that a clip from?

Tammi of Tammi's World finally arrived after being distracted by a shiny object, causing her to miss an exit. When I gave her a welcoming hug, I couldn't help noticing that I only came up to her navel. I *thought* she looked particularly tall that day. Apparently she was wearing heels. It was kinda funny watching her have to duck to get through 8-foot doorways, though.

Richmond's husband WxMan was very good natured about having his home invaded on a college-football Saturday, and he gave me some insights into college football that I'll be discussing in a later post. Oh, and remind me to get his super-secret blog URL. Seems the boy likes boobies nearly as much as me.

Richmond's two girls and Oddy's boy were also in attendance, but with the exception of a few high energy run-bys, and some piano-plinking, they mostly let the grown-ups play by themselves.

Richmond's parents were there, and - having now met Richmond's mother (who I at first assumed was her sister), I can see where she gets her good looks.

Richmond's dad surprised me. It's not often that I meet someone who knows what blogging is, has some interest in it, yet doesn't have one himself. I suspect that if he spends enough time hanging around the crew he met on Saturday, he'll start dropping comments, and pretty soon Richmond's gonna have herself a blogson.

If there's a pool, I'm picking January 10th, 2007 for his "born on" date.

Of course, earlier would be better. He's got that "blogger shine" in his eyes, and I think he'd do well. Hopefully he'll read this post & mull it over.

Meanwhile, as we waited for That 1 Guy of Drunken Wisdom to show up, I feasted on pretty much everything in this post. And I finished off that lonely-looking piece of pumpkin pie, too. Not to mention another one.

Of course, T1G never showed. He just called on the phone. Some lame-ass excuse about being 1100 miles away in Florida. Sheesh! The boy's just got no dedication. However, I do hope he'll be returning this year yet, preferably without that hippy haircut he had last time I saw him. His damn mop was nearly long enough to comb.

Just scandalous.

Anyway, the point is, I feel reconnected now, and it's nice to bask in the warmth. I'd forgotten what it was like.

I pray that such a dire absence never happens again.

Oh, and note to Oddybobo's mother: The Bad Example Family is NOT a cult...

Posted by: Harvey at 04:08 PM | Comments (8) | Add Comment
Post contains 632 words, total size 4 kb.

February 25, 2006


I'm not a good person to ask about the blogmeet portion of the event, since Beloved Wife TNT & I didn't arrive until noon on Saturday (would've been 11, but we forgot that Indiana is on Eastern Time right now), and wimped out of the Lafayette Brewing Co. long before midnight - a little sleepy from the long drive, fighting to stay warm, and the yummy food & beer, both at TC's Restaurant and the LBC.

As for the Wolf Park experience itself, well, I've been there before, and all I can say is that it was even better the second time around. I already knew some of the names & history of the 4-legged residents, so there was a certain level of comfort upon returning. Not unlike visiting relatives for the holidays.

And I mean the GOOD relatives, not drunken Uncle Bob whose always trying to get you to invest in pyramid schemes.

Wes of Bodhran (Drum) Roll, Please! pointed out one of the biggest virtues of Wolf Park as a venue for observing wolves when he said, "there was no Disneyfication about wolves". All the romanticizing and mythology is stripped away. You see the wolves as they are. Although their environment is enclosed, there is no sense that the wolves feel confined. This is not a zoo. The wolves are free to be who they are and interact with each other as they see fit.

"But," I hear you ask, "can't you get all that from just watching a good nature documentary?"

Sort of, but - while things like the Dutcher's story, "Living With Wolves" would make good prep for a Wolf Park visit - it's just not the same. A documentary is heavily edited and only makes the points that its creators want to get across. At Wolf Park, the wolves show you how they live, in their own way, in their own time, and with no point to make other than "this is who we are".

What fascinated me about the visit is that 99% of wolf behavior happens for a reason. No matter if they're standing, sniffing, rolling in something, pawing at someone, or even laying in the grass, you can ask your tour guide "why?" and get yet another insight into the mind of these animals as they struggle to find a balance between amusing themselves individually and fulfilling their roles as pack members. Sometimes they vie for status. Sometimes they seek to reinforce the position they already hold. Sometimes they just want to roll in the grass because it tickles.

When approached with a philosophical mind, you may find yourself discovering parallels to your own life.

But even if you don't want to get THAT deep, there's also a distinct pleasure in the experience for dog owners. If you've had your dog for years, observing his behavior day after day, you'll tend to think of it in terms of how he's "just like a person". A trip to Wolf Park brings insight for how his behavior is "just like a wolf". You'll gain understanding as to which of your dog's actions result from domestication, and which are left over from the wild. At times you'll exclaim "my dog does that too!", and other times you'll be relieved that your dog has left his wild brethren's habits behind him. But in either case, you'll come away with a deeper knowledge of the "little wolf" in your house.

Best of all, Wolf Park also helps you comprehend these insights by providing a friendly, knowledgable staff that is positively giddy to answer any questions you have. Like anyone else who knows what they're talking about, they love to discuss any and all aspects of wolves, Wolf Park, wolf society, foxes, bison, habits, environments, and - of course - how you can get a chance to meet a wolf up close & personal.

Speaking of the staff, when Gale hands you a heavy, oddly-shaped object and asks you to guess what it is... well, I won't give it away, but I can at least tell you that you're holding it upside down. Hold it with the pointy things aimed towards the floor.

Also, be sure to ask Gale about the "skeletons in her closet". She's got a LOT of them, and isn't shy about sharing if you express an interest.

Oh, and I heard a rumor that she's got an intriguing exhibition planned for later this year. Still in the planning stages, but I hope it's up & running the next time I go to Wolf Park.

Now, as for the blogmeet portion of the experience, I'll make an observation that I've found holds true for every blogmeet I've been to. It was too damn short, and there wasn't enough time to chat with each person as I would've liked. In this case especially, because we were all either trying to stay warm, or sitting around a HUGE table, so mingling was restricted. So although I had a lot of fun at Wolf Park, I regret not arriving early enough to get in on some of the more free-form socialization at Blake's house the night before.

With those restrictions in mind, I'll say a few words about the bloggers I met for the first time:

Machelle of Quality Weenie - I'd always gotten the impression from her blog that she was quite outgoing. And this may be true when she's not freezing. But the sense that I got when I met her is that she's more of a listener than a talker. Unfortunately, so am I, so we didn't get to be as chatty with each other as we might under warmer and more mobile circumstances. Still, it was a pleasure to finally meet one of my oldest (blog-time-wise) and dearest blogdaughters in person.

Mrs. Wes - I never even got the chance to introduce myself, but I *did* notice that she asked a lot of insightful questions during the Wolf Park tour, so I know that she's thoughtful, bright, and engaging. When I finally get to meet her again, I know it'll be a good time. I suspect Wes is just being selfish and trying to keep her all to himself.

Oddybobo of Bobobloggger - No surprise at all. If you've ever read her blog or had her playing around in your comments, she's every bit as sweet, laughing and adorable in person as she is in writing.

BloodSpite of Technography - Like I've said, I'm a better listener than talker, so I was right in my element with BloodSpite, because he can tell you tales all night long and keep you entertained the whole time. For the record, he's neither as bloody nor as spiteful as his name implies :-)

BloodSpouse - After hearing what a wildman BloodSpite was in his youth, I wondered how he survived. Turns out that BloodSpouse had been a civilizing influence on him. She didn't get to talk a whole lot, since BloodSpite isn't the sort to leave a lot of dead air in a conversation. Nevertheless, from her patient smiles as he told stories that she'd probably heard a thousand times, I was left with the impression of a kind and supportive woman, and one VERY lucky man, who I hope realizes what a good deal he got :-)

J. Wiley of Back Home Again - He was a surprise. A lurker who popped in at the Lafayette Brewing Company to meet the crazy blog crew he'd been reading about for so long. Sadly, I only got to pass a dozen or so words with him while getting a beer from the bar (remember, big table, not much mingling - he was at the other end), but I was flattered and honored that he took the time to see us. I just wish I'd have known he was coming so that I could've read his blog & gotten to know him better. Ah, well, he's on the "Bloggers I've Met" roll, now, so I'll make up for it.

Also, if you're the sort who does, please include J's father in your prayers.

For further Howl on the Prowl reviews, see:

Contagion of Miasmatic Review
BloodSpite of Technography
That 1 Guy of Drunken Wisdom
Oddybobo of Bobo Blogger
Machelle of Quality Weenie (also some photos here)
Tammi of Tammi's World
Ktreva of The Reality Ranch (part 1 and part 2)
Wes of Bodhran (Drum) Roll, Please!
Blake of The Laughing Wolf

Posted by: Harvey at 07:06 PM | Comments (4) | Add Comment
Post contains 1419 words, total size 9 kb.

February 04, 2006


Matty O'Blackfive, CNN, 6pm Central, Saturday February 4th


Matty O'Blackfive backstage prep from Technography & Drunken Wisdom.

Not so seriously.

Posted by: Harvey at 08:57 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
Post contains 33 words, total size 1 kb.

January 16, 2006


If you attended FritzFest and would like to leave a comment to the Wooden Nickel crew, this is the place to do it.

Posted by: Harvey at 11:50 AM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
Post contains 27 words, total size 1 kb.


Og of Neanderpundit is filling out a map of Fritzbloggers. Stop on by & add your info. Takes all of about 60 seconds. 70 if you want to add your picture.

MY stuff is there already.

Yes, that's a challenge. Get movin' :-)

Posted by: Harvey at 08:03 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
Post contains 49 words, total size 1 kb.

January 13, 2006


Blake of Laughing Wolf is thinking about putting together a blogmeet tour of Wolf Park.

If you enjoy watching nature shows, you would enjoy the experience. Especially "Howl Night". Yes, you actually get to howl at wolves and have them howl right along with you.

See the man for details.

Posted by: Harvey at 11:22 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 58 words, total size 1 kb.

January 12, 2006


First off, a nod to the sadly absent, but incredibly generous Eric of Straight White Guy who bought the first... well, more like first 6 hours... round of drinks for the attendees. As I did at the bar, I once again raise a glass in his honor.

Second, if you were going to attend and then opted out, you missed out on cool souveniers:

(click to enlarge)

The FritzFest keychain/flashlight, which you can use to see how good of a job you did clearing your windshield with your...

(click to enlarge)

FritzFest ice scraper (with handy belt clip) [shown smaller than actual size].

Anyway, here are some key phrases (possibly out of context) from the bloggers that attended, and other stuff I just made up.

[Just think of it as the New York Times version]:

Sarah of That's Not Very Nice! - "post that got eaten... group... feel... enjoyed myself immensely"

Graumagus of Frizzen Sparks - ...hasn't said anything yet, possibly due to spammers, allergies, or a suspicious but untimely demise.

Contagion of Miasmatic Review - "Every time I turned around...he was scared of my kilt" - also notable for a picture of Tammi taking the first of 12 steps in Candles Anonymous.

Contagion's wife, Ktreva - needs to get a blog. Start thinking about your blog name.

That 1 Guy of Drunken Wisdom - "we broke cherries"

Teresa of Technicalities - "Laughing Wolf... Straight White Guy...were hung and they appear to be straight"

Tammi of Tammi's World - "it was HOT on Sunday"

TalulaZephyr of Love and Koolaid Stains - "I... could have lasted longer... such... pleasure"

Talula's guest McHenry Dude - needs to get a blog. Start thinking about your blog name.

Matty O'Blackfive - ...mysteriously silent. He said that he had to leave early from FritzFest to catch a flight to DC, but this satellite photo indicates that America's favorite Rock-Star blogger and drunken Irishman may have snuck away to warmer climes...

Richmond of One For The Road - "Right away, people started coming"

Blake of Laughing Wolf - "Tammi ordered me into her bed... and... I took a shower with two beautiful women"

Leslie of Leslie's Omnibus - "hairy and had balls of steel"

Leslie's guest Buckaroo Bonsai - needs to get a blog. Start thinking about your blog name.

Og of Neanderpundit - "in desperate need of psychological counseling"

Jake & MJ of Freedom Folks - "Delish... Bloggers... do it again"

Beloved Wife TNT of Smiling Dynamite - ...hasn't posted anything yet, but since the frequency of "happy floggings" has increased in the aftermath of the event, I'm guessing that it means she had a good time.

I'll close with a quote from Leslie, because it's horribly and sadly true: "There's never enough time to talk to everyone as much as you want to. (Darn it all, anyway!)".

But all that really means is that you have to go to the next one and make up for it.

Which I strongly encourage all of you to do.

Posted by: Harvey at 04:14 PM | Comments (8) | Add Comment
Post contains 501 words, total size 5 kb.

January 05, 2006



Blogson That 1 Guy of Drunken Wisdom has posted directions for getting to Fritz's Wooden Nickel, wherein a festive blogmeet will occur on January 8th.

And it looks like we're doing the carvery option for the feasting:

Standing Ham
Prime Rib
Red Roasted Garlic Mashed Potatoes
Rosemary Roasted Red Potato (or other if desired)
2-3 Vegetables
Soup and Salad Bar.......................... Cost? $18

Bar opens at noon. Food starts at 1pm.

If you get lost on your way to 208 North Walnut Street, Stillman Valley, IL, the number there is 815-645-9828.

Just call. We'll guide you in.

Posted by: Harvey at 04:37 PM | Comments (5) | Add Comment
Post contains 114 words, total size 1 kb.

January 02, 2006


"It's pronounced TEE-n-t, not TAY-n-t"

Posted by: Harvey at 07:45 AM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
Post contains 35 words, total size 1 kb.

December 27, 2005


Still time to add your name to the list of people attending the biggest, coldest, and firstest blogmeet of 2006:

  • Harvey
  • TNT
  • Blackfive
  • Tammi
  • Graumagus
  • Raging Mom
  • Contagion and Bride
  • Richmond
  • Sarah
  • Laughing Wolf
  • Omnibus Driver and Buckaroo Bonsai
  • Susie(?)
  • Talula
  • Og
  • Dana and Hubbie
  • Ferdinand T. Cat's pet Bruce
  • Pammy
  • TERESA!!!
  • Freedom Folks

    Official FritzFest blog here.

    Good reasons to go - from Leslie of Leslie's Omnibus

    Announcement post

    Posted by: Harvey at 08:40 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
    Post contains 74 words, total size 2 kb.

  • December 17, 2005


    Still time to sign up for Illinois' premier blogmeet of 2006 (January 8th)

    Blogson That 1 Guy of Drunken Wisdom has a dedicated page set up to track things.

    See who's going.

    Decide what they're eating.

    Insult the host...

    Ok, do that last one at Drunken Wisdom.

    Posted by: Harvey at 07:02 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
    Post contains 51 words, total size 1 kb.

    December 04, 2005


    That 1 Guy of Drunken Wisdom announces as follows:

    Sunday, January 8, 2006. Fritz's Wooden Nickel, Stillman Valley, Illinois. Normally closed on Sundays, I CAN GET THE BAR. Northern Illinois, Southern Wisconsin, Eastern Iowa, Western Indiana... doesn't matter where you're from, if you're interested, let me know, either in the comments, or by dropping me an email. I'll work up directions...

    Time is probably going to be around noonish, unless I get too many suggestions to go later. Grub? Yes. Cost per person is going to be between 10 and 14 bucks. That's chow and gratuity. Drinks? Not included, but of course they'll be available. What's for chow? That is to be determined. Let me know what you like for meats, I'll talk to Fritz and set something up. Most likely, this is going to be just a buffet.

    This project is now a go. Those of you who were holding off saying yes because you weren't sure if it was going to happen can now say yes.

    So go say yes at Drunken Wisdom in either the original post or the follow up.

    Posted by: Harvey at 03:40 PM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
    Post contains 188 words, total size 1 kb.

    November 07, 2005


    BS from Matty O'Blackfive.

    Pictures from Beth Who Will Be Obeyed.

    By the way, Chatty O'Blackfive finally posted a link to his FoxNews interview. Seems they left out the best parts.

    Posted by: Harvey at 05:01 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
    Post contains 45 words, total size 1 kb.

    November 03, 2005


    Short version: Me & Beloved Wife TNT of Smiling Dynamite went to Tennessee over the weekend to attend a blogmeet at Straight White Eric's house. Eat, drink, talk, laugh, sleep, repeat until it's time to go to the airport.

    Long version in the extended entry:... more...

    Posted by: Harvey at 10:22 AM | Comments (20) | Add Comment
    Post contains 2166 words, total size 15 kb.

    July 14, 2005


    But thanks to Beloved Wife TNT of Smiling Dynamite, you can at least find out what was SAID at the blogmeet last week.


    (Bring Your Own Context)

    Posted by: Harvey at 09:11 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
    Post contains 44 words, total size 1 kb.

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