August 03, 2007


I am smarter than 99.20% of the rest of the world.
Find out how smart you are.

25/25. Don't think too hard about them.

[Hat tip: Lynn of A Sweet, Familiar Dissonance]

Posted by: Harvey at 06:20 PM | Comments (4) | Add Comment
Post contains 28 words, total size 1 kb.

August 01, 2007


Bloggreatgranddaughter Tink of Tink's Tribulations muses over the following question:

What advice would you give to your younger self?

"Do your homework."

If I'd followed that bit of wisdom, I could have easily graduated near the top of my high school class.

If I'd also handed myself a copy of "The Lively Art of Writing", (preferably somewhere in the 4th grade) I would've been AT the top. As it was, I didn't run across it until my Senior year. It was the book from which I first learned how to write essays, and it completely changed my life. Until then, I'd had now idea that there were actually learnable techniques to writing, and the bastards in charge of my public education never told me any different.

I'm still bitter about that.

Posted by: Harvey at 03:40 PM | Comments (7) | Add Comment
Post contains 145 words, total size 1 kb.

July 18, 2007


Shamus of Twenty-Sided asks:

How long would you have lived in the middle ages? Ignore all the general risks - like typhoid or the plague or cholera - that everyone would have faced in general. LetÂ’s assume you were lucky and missed those. (Unless by some chance you actually DID face one of them in your life.) Also ignore the fact that your deadly injury might have been caused by modern technology, like an auto accident. Just pretend you were trampled by a horse or something. So, given the injuries and illness youÂ’ve faced in your life so far: Did you make it? Would you have survived to your current age?


The only time I've been under the knife was for hernia surgery, and it wasn't a particularly bad one. Probably something I could've lived with, although I imagine eventually it would've strangulated and killed me.

Although I've benefitted from antibiotics, I'm pretty sure they've only shortened my suffering, not saved my life.

So I'm thinking I'd be alive, but looking like I was 70 instead of 40.

Posted by: Harvey at 05:46 AM | Comments (13) | Add Comment
Post contains 195 words, total size 1 kb.

July 03, 2007


You Are Oscar the Grouch

Grumpy and grouchy, you aren't just pessimistic. You revel in your pessimism.

You are usually feeling: Unhappy. Unless it's rainy outside, and even then you know the foul weather won't last.

You are famous for: Being mean yet loveable. And you hate the loveable part.

How you life your life: As a slob. But it's not repelling as many people as you'd like!

[Hat tip: Blogless Brother, who was too chicken to post his own results.]

Posted by: Harvey at 06:20 AM | Comments (6) | Add Comment
Post contains 79 words, total size 1 kb.

July 01, 2007


You Are 100% Capitalist, 0% Socialist

You're a capitalist pig - and proud of it.

You believe that business makes the world great...

And you'd never be ashamed of being rich!

[hat tip: Leslie's Omnibus]

Posted by: Harvey at 02:13 PM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
Post contains 55 words, total size 1 kb.

June 21, 2007


Four years already?

Huh... I guess it has.

Posted by: Harvey at 05:57 AM | Comments (25) | Add Comment
Post contains 14 words, total size 1 kb.

June 13, 2007


John Hawkins of Right Wing News polled a bunch of right wing bloggers (including me) on various issues and has posted the not-too-surprising results. Here's the explanations for my choices:

1) Are you pleased that the Senate immigration bill did not pass?
Yes - The only immigration bill we need is a big-ass fence and a removal of perks for non-citizens.

2) Do you think Mel Martinez has been an effective RNC chairman?
No - Democrats don't wet themselves in fear at the mention of his name.

3) Do you believe that we should be willing to use the US military to stop the fighting in Sudan?
No - Not unless they have strategic resources like oil, or if it would be helpful to establish military bases there to prosecute the War on Terror.

4) Do you think that the Bush administration or CIA knew that 9/11 was coming and deliberately did nothing to stop it or alternately, helped execute the 9/11 attacks?
No - I've never seen any evidence to support either theory.

5) Do you believe that President Bush intends to merge the United States with Canada and Mexico in order to form a North American Union?
No - If anything, we're going in the opposite direction, since they're imposing passport requirements to visit those countries. Although personally, I wouldn't mind inviting Canada to become States 51-60. They're civilized and technologically advanced enough to fit in fairly well plus they speak English.

6) How would you rate the relationship of the Republican party with its conservative base right now?
Poor - Where's my tax cuts? Where's my cheap, stolen oil? Where's my piles of dead terrorists?

7) Which 2008 Republican presidential candidate do you think is most likely to win the Republican nomination. So, this is not your favorite candidate, it's the candidate you think will come out on top.
Rudy Giuliani - Not who I want to win, but pending any dirt or disgrace, he seems pretty solid. I currently have no reason to believe that Fred Thompson will overtake him, but then again, Fred hasn't officially announced, yet, so this may change.

Posted by: Harvey at 05:48 AM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
Post contains 368 words, total size 2 kb.

May 26, 2007


1389 of 1389 Mobile Blog whacked me via e-mail with the following:

Players start with 8 random facts about themselves. Those who are tagged should post these rules and their 8 random facts. Players should tag eight other people and notify them that they have been tagged.

I'm feeling lazy, so you'll get 5 random facts and 3 taggees. Victims may either play by the original rules, my rules, or just make up their own damn rules.

Hey... it's a free internet.

1) I screen my calls. If I don't recognized your name/number on the Caller ID, you WILL talk to the answering machine. However, if I recognize your voice, I'll pick up.

Note to callers: "Hey, it's me" is not helpful. Please use your name.

2) I once traded a coffee pot for a Koosh Ball. I still have the Koosh ball. It's green & purple.

3) I once traded a high-mileage '85 Honda Accord hatchback (which sustained major front end damage in an accident, but ran fine) for a Braun coffee grinder. I still have the coffee grinder.

I also kept the car. As it turned out, the guy who gave me the coffee grinder never filed for a new title. The guy HE sold it to never filed for a new title either. THAT guy abandoned it in the parking lot of a Goodwill store. Since it was still in my name, I got a parking ticket and had to arrange for the car's removal. Sadly, the car was no longer running fine, and I let some salvage yard scavenger keep the wreck in exchange for towing it.

4) I don't like Maglites for two reasons; first, turning the lens counterclockwise to turn the light on feels WRONG. If you want a light to come on, you should turn it clockwise - like screwing a bulb into a socket.

Second, unlike thumb-switch lights, after you turn on a Maglite, your hand is not in a comfortable carrying position. You have to adjust your grip, which either requires using your other hand or involves an awkward finger-shuffling maneuver.

I prefer the grab-thumb-go type of flashlight.

5) I miss Jim Henson

Next Victims... I feel like picking on the new kids:

Matthew of Maybe Baby

Bruce of Back to the Batcave

Maranda Rites of Maranda Under Stress

Posted by: Harvey at 10:25 AM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
Post contains 394 words, total size 3 kb.

April 29, 2007


While idly checking my links on Technorati, I found out that I was nominated for the Blogger Halo Award for being a blogger:

"who has not only created a vital up-to-the minute blog with a sizable readership and dedication to excellence, but this blogger would have gone way beyond the call of duty by demonstrating a selfless commitment to help other bloggers solve their blogging problems."

Unfortunately, the voting ended January 8th, and I came in neither first nor second.

I totally could've whipped up 77 votes for this. I feel SO Al Gore.

Posted by: Harvey at 04:00 PM | Comments (5) | Add Comment
Post contains 108 words, total size 1 kb.

April 16, 2007


If this blog had an official theme song, it'd be Warren Zevon's "Mr. Bad Example" (link courtesy of Straight White Eric).

If it had an unofficial theme song, it'd be The Holy Modal Rounders "Boobs A Lot":

Yeah, it's a horrible earworm, but it's got boobs, so that makes it ok.

Posted by: Harvey at 08:26 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
Post contains 57 words, total size 1 kb.

April 11, 2007


5000 posts.jpg

5000 posts at Bad Example.

Yeah, I need to get a life.

Posted by: Harvey at 07:05 AM | Comments (6) | Add Comment
Post contains 30 words, total size 1 kb.

April 03, 2007


NOTE: This post is purely self-congratualtory twaddle and is quite likely of interest to no one except the author. If you get bored, just click away. Don't feel obligated to comment just because you're here.

On the other hand, maybe you've been in a similar position. In which case, say whatever's on your mind.

When I first started blogging, I had a dream - more of a pre-conceived notion really - that one day hundreds of people would read my blog and go "OO! Look at this brilliantly-written post!".

As it turned out, those hundreds of people were actually dozens, they came one at a time, and none of them were actually all that blown away at what they read. But they at least found my writing amusing enough to want to come back for more. After a while, a lot of them didn't even come for the writing, they came because they liked me as a person. The writing was secondary.

I've been blogging for almost four years now, and at this point in my evolution, most of the folks who stop by do it because of who I am, and not what I write.

And it's good to be loved, and it's good to have a circle of friends who give a damn.

The downside to this, of course, is that when one of these friends links something I wrote, I have to wonder... how much of this is liking the writing, and how much is liking the writer? To which question there can never be an honest answer.

So it makes me question whether my writing is worth a crap on it's own, or if I'm strictly getting by on charm.

What I've always wanted was to write something that got picked up, passed around, "oo"-ed & "ah"-ed over, and generally admired WITHOUT my having to lift a finger to do any self-promotion.

That's never really happened. Sometimes I've written stuff that I thought was very good, but in order to get it noticed, I've had to e-mail links. Other times I've written something clever, then posted it at IMAO where it would get some attention (heck, even got a link from the Puppy Blender over there once), but then I have to wonder how much of that attention was due to the sweet cachet of the IMAO brand name, which owes it's value principally to Frank J.'s comedic talents.

Recently, however, something happened to validate me that can only be attributed to good writing, and it feels heavenly.

Last Saturday, I posted a entry at IMAO called "I Am Huff Po". When I'd first conceived of it a couple days prior, it occurred to me that - if I did it right - it might resonate with a lot of people and actually generate a lot of traffic. I waited all weekend for some reaction after posting it, but outside of a few (VERY few) comments, the piece seemed largely ignored.


So after 40 hours of gathering dust, I do what I do with a lot of my IMAO posts - I cross-posted it at Bad Example for the benefit of those readers (friends, actually) who can't stand the insanely-long load times at IMAO.

And that's when it happened.

Blake of Laughing Wolf - a friend and reader - posted a link to the version of "I Am Huff Po" that I'd posted at Bad Example. Not at his relatively low-traffic personal site, but at the highly-visible Blackfive.

Which was VERY cool, but I didn't take it to be necessarily a reflection on the quality of the piece, since I know Blake, and that could taint his objectivity.

And that's when it REALLY happened.

Michelle Malkin linked to Bad Example. Not only linked, but linked as an update at the TOP of the post (she usually updates at the bottom).

Little Green Footballs linked to Bad Example. Not only linked, but with the enthusiastic phrase "dead-on parody alert". I also noticed that it got 156 Diggs. Now, I'm not exactly sure what a Digg is, except that it can be used as a relative measure of the post's popularity. Considering that most LGF posts get under 100 of them, I take this as favorable feedback.

JihadWatch linked to Bad Example with the giddily ego-boosting description "a terrific parody of/addendum to Michelle Malkin's magnificent "I am John Doe" piece, skewering the Huffington Post's willfully clueless Leftist jihad enablers."

It popped up on the GWRRA message board.

Bookworm Room said "hilariously funny [...] Read it and laugh."

Someone even put it on an Investor Village message board.

It's probably in some other places, too, but Sitemeter only gives me the last 100 refers, so that's all I know about.

The point is this. None of these people know me or like me or owe me anything or mistakenly think they're linking to something Frank J wrote. This praise isn't for me as a person, or for me as a member of IMAO, it's strictly for what I wrote.

I can't begin to express how good - how reassuring - this feels.

The funny thing is that people who read the posts that linked me are all going to wonder the same thing - "Who is this 'Bad Harvey' fella? I've never heard of him. Must be some overnight sensation."

Overnight... yeah...

2000+ posts at Bad Money

1000+ posts at Alliance HQ

5000- posts at Bad Example

100+ Precision Guided Humor posts spent honing my politically-oriented comedic ear

4- years of averaging 5+ posts a day.


Anyway, yeah... it feels good.

Now if the Puppy Blender will just put down his hobo-filleting knife long enough to toss a link my way, I could die happy.

UPDATE: Hot Air says "well played".

Redstate says "Read on via the link. It's worth it!" and describes it as a "riposte".

Blonde Sagacity says "Must Read!"

Posted by: Harvey at 09:16 AM | Comments (32) | Add Comment
Post contains 996 words, total size 7 kb.

March 09, 2007


I'm looking for some unserious reading material.

So tell me - what are your favorite web-based comic strips?

And before you ask, here's my list:



User Friendly

Sluggy Freelance (really best to start at the beginning with this one)

Pearls Before Swine

Prickly City

Kevin and Kell (don't need to start at the beginning, but the backstory helps)

Day by Day



Cox & Forkum

Freefall (start at the beginning)

The Order of the Stick (start at the beginning - and only if you've rolled dice with more than 6 sides before)

Erfworld (ditto)

Full Frontal Nerdity (only updates once a week - which is a shame)

Class Mishaps

Whadda YOU got?

Posted by: Harvey at 09:28 AM | Comments (13) | Add Comment
Post contains 121 words, total size 2 kb.

February 08, 2007


Blogless Brother is reminiscing about how much fun snow used to be when he was a kid (looks like he actually dragged out his spellchecker for this one, so it's a good read).

Since I grew up in the same house with him, I know what he's talking about.

Although he forgot the BEST part of any snowstorm - the 20 ft. tall mountains at the edge of the Sentry Food Store parking lots.

First the big challenge - can you make it to the top? Sometimes it seemed like the steps were built in, and ascension was a matter of seconds. Sometimes you got halfway up and then one leg plunged in up to your nuts. Have fun getting out of THAT hole.

On particularly fortuitous days, there'd be a smooth section where you could lie on your back and slide down. Of course, usually there'd be at least one bumpy spot where you'd dislocate your spine, but since you were just a kid, it'd snap right back into place and you'd be ready to try it again.

Then there was MY favorite hobby - wear smooth-soled shoes, get a running start, then slllliiiiiddddde... with good snow and a smooth undersurface, you might make it 20 feet or so. Of course, if you did it on a sidewalk, you'd likely catch a crack and go stumble-crashing into the ground. Didn't matter. It was just part of the challenge.

Of course, here in my old age, I make sure that my soles have lots of good grip, and anytime I have to walk over snow, it's done at a prudent velocity. Don't want to break a hip, ya know.

And for the most part, snow is just that crap I have to get out of the driveway.

But the magic's not ALL gone.

Because I have a delivery job.

And sometimes, when the streets are empty of cars, but not of snow & ice, and I have to make a delivery to a house on the left side of the street...

...that long-lost 8-year-old's grin re-appears...

Give the car some gas... yank up on the hand-brake... cut the wheel hard left...

Perfect parking job.

And the magic is back.

Posted by: Harvey at 08:08 AM | Comments (2) | Add Comment
Post contains 377 words, total size 2 kb.

December 21, 2006


Looks like blogdaughter Teresa of Technicalities is trying to lose her "Daddy's Favorite" title, because she tagged me with a meme.

Nevertheless, since the obligations of parenthood don't end with birth, I must comply:

UPDATE: Looks like Richmond of One For The Road tagged me with this, too

*puts Richmond on Naughty List*

1.Wrapping paper or gift bags? Duct tape and grocery bags, i.e. "guy wrapping".

2.Real tree or artificial? Artificial - there's something comforting in the ritual of setting up the same tree every year.

3.When do you put up the tree? Sometime between Thanksgiving & early December.

4.When do you take the tree down? Early January.

5.Do you like eggnog? ANYTHING is good with enough booze in it.

6.Favorite gift you received as a child? A slot car racing set.

7.Do you have a nativity scene? No.

8.Hardest person to buy for? Beloved Wife. Someday I'll remember to take notes on those little hints she drops all year.

9.Easiest person to buy for? Brother Tom. Anything computer-related is good.

10.Mail or email Christmas cards? Possibly e-mail. Usually I don't even bother with that. Either I care about you enough to contact you more than once a year, or I don't care about you at all.

11.Worst Christmas gift you ever received? The Peanut Butter & Jelly board game. I don't think I even played it once.

12.Favorite Christmas movie? The Nightmare Before Christmas.

13.When do you start shopping? Mid-December.

14.Have you ever recycled a Christmas present? No. I just throw them away.

15.Favorite thing to eat at Christmas? Marshmallow Fluff fudge. Dad only made it once a year. Wish he didn't always put walnuts in it.

16.Clear lights or colored on the tree? Colored. And blinking.

17.Favorite Christmas song? "Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas", sung low and slow by a female vocalist who keeps her vocals understated. Definitely NOT the James Taylor version with that crappy line about "muddling through".

18.Travel at Christmas or stay home? Stay home.

19.Can you name all of SantaÂ’s Reindeers? Sure: Dasher, Dancer ... Prancer ... Nixon, Comet, Cupid ... Donna Dixon

20.Angel on the tree top or a star? Our angel always shedded feathers. I never liked her. So... star.

21.Open the presents on Christmas Eve or morning? Morning - and we had to wait until after everyone finished breakfast.

22.Most annoying thing about this time of year? Needing to shop for urgent, non-Christmas items at a big box store.

23.Do you have Jebus in your heart this Christmas? I'll see him at Hooters tomorrow. Does that count?

24.What would you like for Christmas? To wake up next to Beloved Wife in the morning, and fall asleep next to her that night.

Next victims:

Let's see... who hasn't posted anything in a while?...:

Sarah of That's Not Very Nice!

Titan of Titan's Lair

TRS of The Rumsfeld Strangler

Linus of Pepper of the Earth

Humble Devildog of Random Firings of Neurons

Posted by: Harvey at 10:21 AM | Comments (7) | Add Comment
Post contains 494 words, total size 4 kb.

December 09, 2006


And I counted Alaska, even though I only got close enough to see the Aleutian Islands from the fantail of the Enterprise.

Looking over the map, I can't help but notice that pretty much ALL of that green is courtesy of the US Navy, although sometimes indirectly - like taking a Greyhound from Wisconsin to San Diego to visit a friend of mine who enlisted in the Navy shortly before I did.

[Stolen from Bloggranddaughter Irishpixie of Pixie Dust Productions, Inc.]

Posted by: Harvey at 10:29 AM | Comments (7) | Add Comment
Post contains 82 words, total size 1 kb.

November 27, 2006


So I'm hanging out in the garage Sunday night, relaxing with a cigar. The dogs are out in the back yard, sniffing each other's butts (or whatever they do to amuse themselves), and I hear a moderately audible "ka-chang" sound.

I peek out the back door of the garage to see both Jake and Bandit dashing madly to the right.

"Hmmm... must be a pedestrian walking by with a dog".


Dogs dash madly to the left.

"A confused jogger?"


Dogs to the right, and I see that they're chasing after a rabbit.

"Ah... well, he'll find a hole under the chain-link fence and be off to freedom."


Dogs to the left.

"Ah... apparently this rabbit is particularly stupid, and keeps bouncing off the chain-link fence... Still, as long as he doesn't run behind the shed so that the dogs get on either side of him..."


Dogs to the right... on either side of the shed... behind which the rabbit has run.




"Ah... the hand of Darwin... or in this case, the paw..."

Jake wanders from behind the shed, rabbit in mouth. Bandit bounces around excitedly, knowing that SOMETHING fun just happened but not really sure what (she's a Border Collie - she just likes herding animals).

Jake plops down by the garage door, oblivious to the rain. He likes to catch & kill critters, but he's not much for eating them. As far as he's concerned, that rabbit is just another fuzzy chew toy - albeit with a broken squeaker.

And like a fuzzy chew toy, it's for just holding in your mouth... until someone offers you a tasty pig's ear in trade.

Good boy, Jake.

Posted by: Harvey at 06:27 AM | Comments (15) | Add Comment
Post contains 307 words, total size 2 kb.

November 08, 2006


Bloggrandson-in-law =HC= of House of Zathras mentions this quirk:

I put icecubes in my milk.

And there's more milk-icers in the comments.

For years, Beloved Wife TNT of Smiling Dynamite has mocked me mercilessly for doing the same thing, treating me as though I was the only person on the planet capable of such deranged behavior.

Looks like this particular fetish may have a larger following than anyone has ever suspected. Come on, you closet milk-icers... fess up.

By the way, =HC=, please consider getting your own blog. Writing talent like yours needs to be showcased, not hidden in comments sections. Read this & think it over.

UPDATE - 10:30 PM: I'm not actually a freak, because I've got an excuse. Four years on the Enterprise where the milk was usually served at room temperature. And keep in mind that - all too often - the temperature of the "room" was also about the temp of the part of the Indian Ocean we were floating around on. Say about 90 degrees.

Warm water, warm milk, warm pop, warm bug juice, warm beer (if we were out to sea long enough)... I developed an obsession with making sure that drinks that are supposed to be served cold are served at the temperature God intended, i.e. just above freezing.

So I'm not really a freak, just scarred.

Posted by: Harvey at 07:55 AM | Comments (11) | Add Comment
Post contains 241 words, total size 2 kb.

November 01, 2006


Blogson Mike the Marine of From The Halls To The Shores commented:

I hope you've got a good excuse for getting into the "three post rut." -Simpsons, Currency, Love. Repeat.

Conveniently, I do.

As mentioned previously, Beloved Wife TNT of Smiling Dynamite is the Personal Representative for her late mother's estate, and I've been helping her get things in order.

"Things" meaning mostly cleaning up a house packed with 30 years of accumulated crap, and maintained with some iffy housekeeping & home repair skills. Probably not the WORST maintained home I've ever seen, but anyone who's ever moved after a long stay knows how neglected certain areas can get, and what an effort it can be to get them looking nice again.

The major issue being that we needed to get the house shined up & ready for sale before snow season.

The good news is, we finally finished last week. It's just a matter of getting the house sold now.

Of course, there's still the issue of finding space for all the crap we hauled back to our house - currently packed into boxes crowding all over the living room floor. That'll be eating up time at random intervals.

And we still have to get the leaves raked at the estate house.

Aside from that, though, I should be able to dedicate more time to blogging at Bad Example. I closed down Alliance HQ and Forward This Email, so I'm down to just posting here and at IMAO.

Of course, I'm still working on the Love Notes book, too. I've gotten all 365 notes written, but there's editing & polishing to do.

So, in theory, I should get caught up on my posting this week or next, and be able to post more than just "the rutting three" thereafter. Plus I'll be able to start reading through my blogroll again.

Meanwhile I figured that having three crummy posts a day was better than posting nothing at all.

We'll see how it goes from here.

Posted by: Harvey at 07:38 AM | Comments (8) | Add Comment
Post contains 341 words, total size 2 kb.

October 24, 2006



I vouch for the character of Swap Blog because...

...well, they asked me, and they don't suck.

But if for no other reason, there's this:

We listen to both kinds of real music - bluegrass / Celtic and speed metal

According to the rules, they still need two other Bad Example Family members to link their application post before they make the blogroll. Go check 'em out & see if they're worthy.

Posted by: Harvey at 05:39 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 81 words, total size 1 kb.

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