July 11, 2005


Well, there's a lot of conflicting information out there, so you might have a hard time discerning the truth about what happened when

I (Harvey of Bad Example)
TNT of Smiling Dynamite
Teresa of Technicalities (still Daddy's favorite)
Tammi of Tammi's World
That 1 Guy of Drunken Wisdom
Graumagus of Frizzen Sparks
Contagion of Miasmatic Review
Anathematized of Rivers of Blood
Little Joe of Little Joe's Soapbox
Matty O'Blackfive

all get together for an evening of cheerful camaraderie on July 6th.

Reports vary.

Teresa says "lots of alcohol... what more could you ask for?"

Tammi channels Dickens: "one of the best margaritas I've ever had, one of the worst margaritas I've ever had"

That 1 Guy says "Somehow, it came around that if *I* should post about *my* breasts, I would get more comments."

Contagion says "It was a good evening, BlackFive only really tried to kill me once"

Grau is too busy blathering about his Elderspawn to give a thought to his friends.

Anathematized won't speak on the record, but the phrase "bitch 'n moan" appears in a recent post, which MAY be related to the blogmeet. WHY she was moaning... I'll leave as an exercise for your twisted imaginations.

Little Joe ain't sayin' a word. Probably because his shit's f***ed up.

Matty... well he's so overwhelmed that his little blog - which he honestly never expected to get over 100 hits a day - just got its 3,000,000th visitor, that he's just speechless.

A very rare condition for him. I just hope he's not sober, too, 'cuz THAT would just be tragic.

and TNT?... Oh, she'll be telling tales soon... she's got several napkins FULL of juicy, out-of-context quotes. Like this one from Matty when he WASN'T tragically sober:

"Maybe we would've liked each other SO much that we would've ended up in jail together."

I'll let you know when the rest hit the web.

Posted by: Harvey at 10:57 AM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
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June 27, 2005


Although the quotes are 100% accurate, they are... out of context.

Amusing, nonetheless.

Go see what Beloved Wife TNT of Smiling Dynamite overheard in Rockford on June 3rd.

Posted by: Harvey at 07:51 PM | No Comments | Add Comment
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June 13, 2005


On June 3rd, I had the pleasure of travelling to Tammi's house and hanging out with some bloggers, all of whom I've met and blogged about before except for Sissy of And What Next...

Meeting bloggrandchildren always makes me a little nervous, because I don't know them (blog-wise) as well as their blogparents, so I'm not quite sure what to expect. That, and I couldn't remember Sissy's real name. Good thing Tammi said something.

But I needn't have worried, since Sissy was warm & friendly from the get-go and greeting me with an enthusiastic hug. She's cuddly, too, so that was really nice.

She introduced me to her dog Kiki. I've never seen a long-haired chihuahua before and was expecting something nervous & yippy.

Not so. After some initial shyness, she warmed up to me and was charming the rest of the evening.

By the way, if Sissy ever tells you that she's no good in the kitchen, don't believe her. You put her on a kitchen table, and she's just amazing.

Wait... did that sound dirty?


Anyway, she was right at home with the cooking, eating, drinking, pyromania, and bawdy conversationalizing that made up the rest of the night, so I can say without hesitation that she's a perfect fit in the Bad Example Family. Bou really knows how to pick 'em.

As for how the evening went, here are some selected excerpts from the attendees' reviews:

Tammi - "We ate, we drank, we talked, we laughed - hell we even had a fire!"


Sissy - "I made the mistake of asking, "What else can I do?""

That 1 Guy - "seemingly normal people, bloggers, held some bizarre voodoo ritual, and proceded to burn anything not nailed down,"

Little Joe - ... apparently Little Joe is pleading the 5th, but you can read about his childhood instead.

Anathematized - "Harvey was a perv."

Graumagus - "Luckily for Tammi, Cody isn't an experienced boozehound yet and soon grew too tired to keep molesting her noggin"

TNT - ... was distracted by something sparkly & hasn't gotten around to posting her usual collection of out of context quotes. Meanwhile, you can read about stupid people on cell phones while I prod her to action.

Wait... did that sound dirty?


Posted by: Harvey at 10:51 PM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
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May 31, 2005


Got talked into going to my first historical re-enactment - the Buckskinner's Rendezvous in historical Fort Atkinson, Wisconsin.

I didn't dress up in a funny costume. Neither did my wench, TNT of Smiling Dynamite. However, the group we hung out with did.

Graumagus of Frizzen Sparks

Little Joe of Little Joe's Soapbox

Anathematized of Rivers of Blood

Contagion of Miasmatic Review

Also starring:

Ktreva as charming and sexy wife of Contagion

Clone as the devilishly amusing offspring

Grau's .50 cal rifle as "Hey, that wasn't so bad"

Contagion's .75 cal musket as "OW! My f***ing shoulder!"

Anathematized's breasts as "the all-purpose gum and tobacco storage facility".

Contagion's balls as "my, those ARE tiny!
contagion balls.jpg

and featuring special guest star:

The $3 hooker coin as "an excuse to make smutty remarks about the women".

Anyway, I must add that Ktreva was a delightful hostess, plying us all with meat, cheese, and dried fruit.

Oh, and Happy Birthday, Grau!

Anathematized... honestly, I didn't know what to expect, but she's so warm, earthy, and outgoing that I felt comfy hanging with her after about 5 seconds. I wish EVERYONE were that easy to get along with.

Looks great in a corset, too, although I have NO idea how she stayed inside that thing.

Posted by: Harvey at 08:37 PM | Comments (7) | Add Comment
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May 13, 2005


I first met Contagion of Miasmatic Review (in the virtual sense, anyway) in the comments at Frizzen Sparks. Geez, he was all OVER the place there. Runnin' his freakin' yap in damn near every one of Graumagus's posts.

Pretty good stuff, too.

So - as I often do with talented writers - I said, "Dude. Get a blog."

To which he responded something very much like "Up yours. I've got a website. I don't need a stinkin' blog. Piss off!"

The website is mostly dedicated to his hobby of historical re-enactments. Which is pretty cool, because you get to blow stuff up with black powder and you get to take pictures of hot babes next to archaic weaponry.

Two things intrigued me about him. He's a Packers fan living in Illinois, and he's a friend of Grau's. Figure those two things alone added up to someone I had to meet.

What you DON'T know about Contagion from reading his blog is how good he can talk trash. On his site, he's gentle & good-natured (relatively speaking) and I've even caught him doing good deeds by helping out his fellow bloggers.

But get him in good company, and MY how the smackdowns do fly. Which is a GOOD thing. I gather from reading his blog that he doesn't often get the chance to cut loose to his hear's content, but he was in fine form on Saturday. Had me laughing for hours, he did. Kinda gives lie to that "shy" claim he makes. But I imagine that if you put him in a group of stuffed shirts he'd clam right up - if only to keep from stangling all the idiots in the room.

Although it's hard to choose, I'd have to say that my favorite part was when he brought out his cop instincts and started profiling everyone at the table. Me, I'm a shoplifter. I talk big, so any crimes I'd do would be of the stealthy sort.

Beloved Wife TNT of Smiling Dynamite?

Serial killer.

It's always the quiet ones, ya know. Figure one of these days I'll come home & she'll ask me to help her bury her co-workers in the back yard. So if anyone can get me a good deal on 50 pound bags of lime, I'd be appreciative.

Anyway, Contagion's a great guy to hang with, and I had a blast in his company. I look forward with both anticipation & dread to the time when I get to go drinking with him and Grau at the same time. I have a feeling they'll just feed off each other's twisted senses of humor something terrible.

If either one of them has a bag of lime in the trunk, I'm leaving immediately.

[Contagion's version of events can be found here]

Posted by: Harvey at 09:36 PM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
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I first became aware of Little Joe of Little Joe's Soapbox because Graumagus of Frizzen Sparks mentions him from time to time and posted a picture of him once. I read the Soapbox a few times to get an idea about him, but he's not a frequent poster, so there's only so much to learn. So I didn't really know what to expect when I met him.

Well, that's not quite true. He's a good friend of Grau's and Contagion's, so I assumed that there would be a certain... twistedness... to his sense of humor.

Turned out I assumed correctly.

What you DON'T know about Little Joe from his blog is what an imposing figure he is. Six foot six, 300+... he's easy to spot in a crowd. But like most imposing men, he's quite gentle & soft-spoken. Not the least bit threatening at all. Listening to him talk about how much he loves fuzzy kittens is almost comical for its contrast.

I sat & chatted with him for a good 9 hours and he's quite the entertainer. Good stories plus a wit that is both razor-sharp and lightning-quick. He can outquip me any day of the week, which is an all-too-scarce and pleasant feature in a person.

But the thing that impressed me most about Little Joe was his overwhelming and radiant sense of optimism. He's going through some VERY rough times right now. Marital strife and a debilitating medical condition. Yet his smiling good humor and cheerfulness were all that were apparent. Even when he discussed his problems, he'd shrug at the end like it was no big deal and he expected things to get better.

A fine example of a man.

So if you're holding a blogmeet, make sure Little Joe gets invited. Just have a lot of Coke and an extra large chair on hand. Then sit back & enjoy his company.

[Little Joe's version of events can be found here]

Posted by: Harvey at 09:23 PM | Comments (4) | Add Comment
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May 02, 2005


Why did I ever buy TNT of Smiling Dynamite a digital camera?

Why did I continue my habit of sleeping in the raw afterwards?

Oh well. At least we had a good time.

Oh, and there's also her version of our trip to Indiana to visit Wolf Park with Blake of Laughing Wolf as our guide. Lots of cute pictures there, too.

Posted by: Harvey at 10:48 PM | Comments (7) | Add Comment
Post contains 70 words, total size 1 kb.

April 25, 2005


This last weekend, TNT & I drove to Indiana to visit Blake of The Laughing Wolf, who graciously gave us a special, in-depth, behind the scenes tour of Wolf Park.

For a 4-hour drive, it wasn't too bad. Despite Chicago's best efforts to get us lost with construction, confusing signage, and poorly-marked exits, we made our way around the Windy City and into the Snowy State, i.e. Indiana.

That's right. Freakin' snow. In April. Not enough to accumulate or mess up the roads, but just enough to remind you why some people don't ever want to live this far north.

However, the joke was on Mother Nature, since even though the crappy weather was probably meant to punish me for my evil ways, it turned out to be a disguised blessing. See, the wolves are still wearing their winter coats, and if it would've been hot, they would've been boring, furry lawn ornaments (as Blake described their behavior during last week's summery weather). As it was, they were bursting with energy - frisking, frolicking, racing, chasing, playing, and generally being as entertaining as you could possibly hope for. Despite the 40 degree weather and bitter 20+ mph winds, we enjoyed ourselves immensely.

Aside from the furry things, the best part of Wolf Park was Gale. She was sweet, intelligent, charming, vivacious, friendly & informative, and even favored us with one of her cheers from her days as a cheerleader in Ancient Egypt ("Isis! Isis! Ra! Ra! Ra!"). Yeah, she's as bad with the puns as Blake. Outside of that, though, I don't know what else she could've done to make us feel more welcome, as she gave us the extra-thorough tour of the grounds and made sure we were introduced to every 4-legged resident.

Well, except for the bison, but they were kinda snooty, so no great loss.

In addition to getting us the Full Monty tour of Wolf Park, Blake also gave us a well-narrated tour of Lafayette. I have to say, he's a top-rank tour guide, full of informational tidbits about every place we visited. If you ever get a chance to have him show you around, take him up on it, because he knows the area and can tell you everything you want to know.

Although he didn't know why there was a plethora of weirdos wandering around the Purdue campus, but I'm sure he'll let us know when he finds out.

The evening ended at the Lafayette Brewing Company where I found some fantastic reddish brew (I think it was Eastside Bitter, but I'm not positive) and was introduced to deep-fried crack, aka Cheesy Potato Munchers which are basically tater-tots laced with cheddar cheese and jalapeno peppers. I could eat those things all night long.

Blake, being the sweetie that he is, gave us a very thoughtful anniversary present. I'm going to consult with TNT over who'll be posting pictures of it. Let's just say that it's destined to be a family heirloom - assuming it doesn't get worn down to a nub from regular use.

So here's the short version - if Blake asks you to come to Lafayette to hang with him, say yes and get there ASAP.

For the slightly longer short version, see The Laughing Wolf.

Posted by: Harvey at 09:59 PM | Comments (7) | Add Comment
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